Afterparty Wiki
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Missing many in-game image captions and causes.

In the pause menu of Afterparty, there is a section of unlockable photos which contains social media posts from others reflecting Milo and Lola's journey through Hell and the choices they made.

(This page is missing multiple descriptions and causes. If you have any missing descriptions or are aware of what triggers photos without a listed cause, feel free to add them below.)


Tommy's Death Day[]

(Provoked Danny and the Doll Demon)
Act00 01

(Won at beer pong)
Act00 02
Humans start drinking during kindergarten so I don't know why demons are so fucking horny to get wrecked at beer pong. #namesmola? #beerpong #choosenones

(Lost at blood pong)
Act00 03
Practice makes perfect. But you should probably practice in private if you suck fucking ass, you giant pathetic skinbag loser. #demonsallday

Toast with Sam[]

Act00 04
Welcome to the show. #party #allnight #247 #365 #666 #satanrules #cantstopwontstop #fuckyou #fuckoff #pressstarttoplay #partytime #excellent #alcohol #wednesdaynight #isitwednesday? #thursdaynight #afterhours #afterpoopy

Satan's Bouncer[]

Act00 05
Always fun to see party virgins learn the sadness ropes. No cuts, no butts, no monkey nuts, idiots! #theresaline #satansbash #linetonowhere #gonnatakeawhile

Mocking the Chanters (optional)[]

Act01 01B
Some weird-haired witch just kicked those loud-as-Hades monks' music tuner or whatever into Styx and it was the funniest thing I've seen in like five hundred years other than the time that one guy tripped into lava and couldn't get out. #funtimes #hatechanting

The Audition (optional)[]

(Danced with Blackhouse 1)
Act01 03
D+ rapping. A- dancing. #passedtheaudition

(Danced with Blackhouse 2)
Act01 04

(Danced with chanters)
Act01 04B
D+ chanting. A- dancing. #passedtheaudition

Leaving Lynda (optional)[]

(Accepted Lynda's offer)
Act01 17
I think that's Lynda Landon, but she's aged terribly. And nobody gets older down here, so that's saying a lot. (She seemed like she was having fun with her friends, at least) #weirdnightout #fadingstars #mercurywyrm

Chugging (optional)[]

(Accepted Fela's offer and pursued Greg)
Act01 12
Chug chug chug chug #chugchugchugchug

Helping Fela (optional)[]

(Accepted Fela's offer and blamed Eliza)
Act01 18

(Blamed Greg)
Act01 19
Whoa! You rarely see hominids getting arrested down here unless they smuggled in a dog or something but some guy just got TOOK! Think two other humans squealed on him? #popocomingdowntheblock #snitchesgetstitches #watchyoback

(Blamed Peter)
Act01 20
Whoa! You rarely see hominids getting arrested down here unless they smuggled in a dog or something but some guy just got TOOK! Think two other humans squealed on him? #popocomingdowntheblock #snitchesgetstitches #watchyoback

(Let Greg go)
Act01 21
I think some security guard just got two losers to do his job for him? Favors aren't the norm south of Pandemonium... #nicetosee #hellschanging

Party Encounter[]

(Accepted Lynda's offer)
Act02 15
I don't know who would ever invite a Personal Demon to a party but that person should be held over a boiling cauldron until their skin rolls off like wallpaper. #annoying

(Accepted Fela's offer)
Act02 16
I don't know who would ever invite a Personal Demon to a party but that person should be held over a boiling cauldron until their skin rolls off like wallpaper. #annoying

Hail Satan[]

Act02 03
HAIL SATAN #quran_2_30 #john_10_10 #suttanipata_2_426 #dollstochildren #obscenekiss #stanislasdeguaita #blocksbergsverrichtung #eviliswhatyoudontlike #strideonyofeet

Club Skoll[]

Act02 12
ALARM ALARM Permanent Vacation shots have emerged ALARM ALARM shit's gonna get circus around here real fucking quit ALARM ALARM #blackoutblursday #skollhappyhour

Milo's Conscience[]

Act02 06
Haha lightweight just vomited up his damn Conscience in Skoll. If you wanna make five bucks, just ask the little guy for a crisp Lincoln and look sad. #tipsfordays

Beth's Song (optional)[]

(Convinced Beth at Significant Cellar)
Act02 23
Die Musik hier ist scheiße... #significantcellar

The Dance Competition[]

(Won the dance-off)
Act02 19
Um, Asmodeus just LOST the Dance Competition! Hope people took videos cause you fools will see a fucking thunderstorm on Saturn before you catch this shit happening again. #onceinalifetime #drunkdancing #IcanseeaDREAMinyourdance #IcanseeTOMORROWinyourdance

(Lost the dance-off)
Act02 20
Asmodeus beat some ass in the Dance Competition PER USUAL. Motherfucker thinks he's hot shit but when I finally buy some new shoes I'm gonna shot everyone at the Post Office who can REALLY twirl. #howdoyougettocarnegiehall #skolldancecomp

(Lost with Beth present)
Act02 21
Hey now! Old flame sighting! Maybe this time she'll look past his rampant body odor and he'll look past her gambling addiction. #lovefindsaway #truelove #hearts #likelike #antiquing

(Won with Beth present)
Act02 22

The Witch[]

Act02 24
Why can't they clean up the vagrants in Lil' Rant? Saw these three creepos going behind a food truck for a little of the ol' Scrumdiddlyumptious! #gross #getaroom #threesacrowd

The Trial[]

(Defended Roberto)
Act02 27
Roberto Spaghetti found innocent! And his defense attorney looks like sixteen puppies smuggled in a giant knapsack! Kuh-razy-ass trial #youhadtobethere

(Convicted Roberto)
Act02 26

Winning Against Polly (optional)[]

(Won against Polly)
Act02 25

Reconciling with Wormhorn (optional)[]

(Made friends with Wormhorn)
Act03 01
Eh, it MIGHT seem like a good idea to get your Personal Demon blottoed but you just wake up with a wicked hangover. #doesntendwell

Milo & Lola (optional)[]

(Made Milo and Lola hug)
Act03 03
'Hallo, said Tigger. I've found somebody just like me. I thought I was the only one of them.'

The Final Game[]

(Played and won against Satan)
Act03 12

(Played and lost against Satan)
Act03 13
YES. Won fifty bucks. Knew they didn't have it in 'em. #miloandlolasuck #gameover #youlost

(Refused and helped Satan)
Act03 14
Glad to see Shahar getting some help. We'll see if it sticks! #crossingfingers #backtomakingmoreearths #iamwhoiam #silverbook #boredonathursday #threecircles #lolvemovesthesunandthestars #peaceout